<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div><div class="gmail_quote"><div bgcolor="#ffffff">
<div><font face="Arial">Hey all,<br><br></font></div><div><font face="Arial">Figured forwarding this note from the Omni landlord is better than trying to repeat or summarize. This was sent to the Omni Logistics list. Stand back and brace yourself!<br>
<br></font></div><div><font face="Arial">[From John]:<br></font></div><div><font face="Arial"><br>Here is the status of our vacation (is that
appropriate?). </font></div>
<li><font face="Arial">Sudo Room:</font>
<li><font face="Arial">Have cleaned out all of our stuff except as follows
(excluding stuff we already discussed, like wood and pallets):</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">To-do:</font>
<li><font face="Arial">Clear out a stack of old Xerox cartridges.Â
These are in boxes with postage paid labels. It used to be that
Xerox would remit $5 (maybe it was $3) upon receipt. I don't known
if they still do. At any rate, they do recycle--just a matter of
affixing the label and mailing I think. On desk against dressing
</li><li><font face="Arial">Shelve several boxes of Sci American and
Communications of the ACM in the basement offices. On desks against
dressing rooms.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Dispose of a wooden shower
chair, some various stacking or folding chairs and possibly an old
trunk--I don't recall. I think these will go if just left on the
sidewalk, if that's not too unattractive next to your
</li><li><font face="Arial">Get the Go books out (thanks for the sign).Â
David Doshay has promised to pick them up around 11-ish tomorrow (Friday)
he will ring the bell and I will be awaiting him.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Throw away some trash on the desk island, I don't
recall what.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">There may be a ring of keys I want to look at
to see if they fit some of your doors (more later).</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Discard a gray shelf that seems to have been damaged
by a heavy box.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">I think Herb left some stuff in the left dressing
room--you guys may have already disposed of.</font></li></ul>
</li><li><font face="Arial">We hope to retrieve </font>
<li><font face="Arial">AÂ lawn mower, last seen in upper right
</li><li><font face="Arial">Some personal papers (like old bank statements) in
several plastic or cardboard boxes under the tables in lower right corner)
I wish to take to the shredder-place. </font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">As many as 5 banquet tables and hollow core doors, if
there are still plenty.</font></li></ul>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Have left the following
</li><li><font face="Arial">Some little things like light switch covers I put in
the paint shelf, just because I didn't want to throw them away. There are
also 5 big wheels--these go to the rolling pallet under <font face="Arial">the stack of doors (I think it needs 6). Just like the rolling
pallet under the stack of large white papers.</font>.</font></li></ul>
<li><font face="Arial">A couple of boxes of cassette tapes (like songs) and
a player, on a desk.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">A fiche-reader, a couple of old computers on
the top shelf, and a scanner or two of unknown condition, maybe other
</li><li><font face="Arial">Lots of dust on the floor--I think the best way is
sweeping compound I ran out of.  Not from Home Depot; I'll tell
you where if you wish.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Quite a few fire extinguishers. They are at
least 10 years old, but most of them read green.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Two black grates and two blue. The blue are
from upper windows--for example, the one just above the
awning. I took it off to satisfy some city functionary who was
worried about fire egress. One black, I don't know. One other
black is the middle hand railing leading from the barroom to the
auditorium. I took it off to get the baby grand inside (now gone,
but the pro movers wouldn't have needed to remove that railing). The
ramp would still fit. It was secured by lag bolts or what,
that may have dropped inside.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">A loom in condition only Mary knows, under the
</li><li><font face="Arial">Two blue metal cabinets holding up a door
tabletop. Inside are toilet flappers and valves, a urinal valve
(more later), a "Corduct" for covering extension cords. and a stairs
</li><li><font face="Arial">File cabinets against outside wall and a
desktop. This desktop along with two more above safes, goes on top
of some floating desk drawers.</font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Little green garbage bin. Supposedly to keep
food scrap and put them in big green can.. We never used
</li><li><font face="Arial">Note that there are drains against the outside wall
which drain to a sump pump in dressing room. I do not know if these
actually drain the floor properly. <br>.</font></li></ul>
<li><font face="Arial">Cooler room:</font>
<li><font face="Arial">To-do:</font>
<li><font face="Arial">Get rid of  boxes I was storing for a
friend. These have been repacked, and waiting for UPS.Â
Supposedly they will come by to pick up--but I have been too occupied to
</li><li><font face="Arial">Dispose of some "hazardous" category
items--fluorescent tubes and paint/paint-like cans. </font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Dispose of voluminous CA cash refund cans and
bottles. I notified someone who will notify the guy who usually
picks them up. Cannot say for sure when. Just tell me and I
will put them outside--I guarantee they will be instantly picked
up. </font></li></ul>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Cooler has been emptied.
</font></li><li><font face="Arial"><font face="Arial">Finally cleared out the rug and under-layment
scraps--bulky took, even though the guidelines said I had to cut down
to 4-foot lengths.</font><br>.</font></li></ul>
</li><li><font face="Arial">Utility room</font>
<li><font face="Arial">There are 3 breaker boxes, the main power supply and
the telephone switch board. There is a pipe across one threshold--I
think this is just an electrical ground. </font>
</li><li><font face="Arial">There are 3 gray recycling cans, one green waste can,
and one brown garbage can. I guess you already know about these.Â
Leaving 3 full gray cans out has never been a problem. Leaving extra
green waste in garbage can works too--for example if you trim the
evergreen trees. Â Garbage nights are Tuesdays.</font>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Except for the main panel cover, this
room has been finished -- even pressure washed, but the white paint is
very stained. Please borrow my pressure washer if you want
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The main panel. Sorry this has not
yet been fixed, There is ongoing effort,</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The drain for the sink.  I
believe blocked by plaster.  The pipe goes left under the
concrete. The best effort so far has been with a rubber-ball like
device that goes onto the faucet to apply pressure. The last time it
was done the drain worked but slowly. But easily clogged--drain
cleaner may help some.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The fan plugs in and the plug may reach
the socket near the main box, but that's a stretch. There was a socket
under the fan but that was cannibalized by an electrician (not Mike) who
installed some sockets in out room directly above. I'll ask Mike
if it is legal for him to restore the socket.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There is a timer for an outside light
next to the sink (more later).<br>.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Basement</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">To-do:Â </font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Dispose of the stack of cardboard
boxes next to kitchen. I believe I can tie these up an leave them
for weekly recycling.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Dispose of any monitors in the kitchen
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Dispose of some items -- step-stool,
mop, what? beyond the law books just past the closet door. Oh,
the closet light doesn't work--may need a bulb.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Retrieve the dark brown bookcase in
the corner past the first bend.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">My cousin is storing some items he
wishes to move out, in the two shelves in that upper left corner of the
basement against the outside wall.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Both pantry lights are out. The
pantry on the left as you enter the kitchen seems to have a good bulb.Â
It may be the breaker box in the other pantry--I may have already tried
though. The light in the other pantry (next to the furnace room) may
just lack a bulb because that is hard to get to.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The left pantry is also open to he
furnace room--I believe the panels are there, ready to be screwed back
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Going up the back stairs to
auditorium there are some built-in cabinets with coke glasses and what looks
like lots of table legs. </font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The wall switch for the right hand
lights (what's left of them) is high on the right after you come down the
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The wall switch for the basement
ventilation is also there--but this is disconnected (more
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There is what I think was a telephone
patch panel in the upper left corner as you come down the stairs--I'm just
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The sink next to the stairway seem to be
noisy lately. I will be happy to have mike look at the faucet.Â
Also the drinking fountain does not drain. I never tried to fix
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Locks: We may have keys to some
doors--in particular, the double room with the Christmas decor.Â
When we moved in we had a locksmith go around and change locks to a few
doors--all for the same key. We should have the keys to the office
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Barroom:</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">To-do</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Take Joe Brignole's ballroom ball,
packed in a cardboard box, in the little cubby against the 48th
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Take those two little roll-around
chairs that were near our far stairs. These will be very useful to
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Dispose of the wallboard behind the
sandwich counter, unless you guys want it, and clean up there.. Note
that there are many places that need wall board repair for example the
stage and next to two of the circuit breaker boxes.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Take the long extension-ladder which
used to be on the bar counter--I heard you guys moving it to some better
place last night. Note there is a shorter one that once was on the
floor behind the bar, we're leaving.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The shopping carts we would eventually
like to possess--so very handy when bringing home groceries. We'd like
to leave them downstairs, for anyone's use if we can get to them doing our
short stay here.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Mike will put a mail slot in our first
door, with your permission.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Restrooms:Â As you may know only
the middle urinal in the men's room flushes. The first one is
uninviting--the third one has a paper bag in the way. Someone removed
that bag and may have used it. FYI, I put the bucket back under the
sink which I use to flush whenever I made such a mistake. Someone
asked me if I had any urinals--jokingly I presume, but as you may know there
are three more in the adjacent women's room hidden by a curtain. Â
Also, I left a toilet paper holder in the toilet room area, not
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Many thanks to Nicky for cleaning
up behind the big bar and gathering the items we didn't want but would have
had to dispose of.<br>.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Auditorium:</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">To-do:</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Get Mike to fix the wetbar
lights. He says he might have flipped a circuit breaker when he put
either of the face plates on--the one on the balcony or the one in the
adjacent room with Christmas lights. We tried the balcony, so it
might be the other one.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Dispose of the big Window.Â
Someone claimed it but changed their mind. If you guys have no use
for it, we will dispose,</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Clean up the little janitorial room in
the far corner of the main floor, next to the stage. There may be a
rat skeleton (sorry).</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Patch sink. There is a teeny
hole in the last sink. I have a bucket under it. I propose to
put a little Liquid Nails or similar in it.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Retrieve the Linksys router--whenever
you are finished with it.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Let me know if you need the Comcast
coax to be rerouted to come in upstairs--I'll call them. At the very
minimum I will use cable ties so the cable stays cornered.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Retrieve the 6 wheels under the three
tables. When you get them moved to where you want them we will be
happy to have them back. As well as the two white food carts at
some point.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There are two sets of lighting in the
front. One is operational, controlled by the inner switch as you go
into the double door cubby hole (counter-intuitive). The second has
been sealed off and terminates in two electrical boxes on either
side of the outside door. I think these were used to power the
fluorescent lights of a big Omni awning that was there. This is
controlled by one of the circuit breakers in the little room to the left of
the stage. This also powers an electrical box on the bottom of the
balcony just above the cloak cabinet or going into the chair room.Â
Incidentally, I saved the part of the awning with the OMNI logo. I
hope I didn't discard it. If I didn't it would be in the sudo room
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The lights under the balcony against the
parking lot wall are controlled by a switch just inside the janitorial door
to the far right. As is, the switch is on--and all bulbs are loosened,
so IÂ could readily turn the one I wanted on.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Oops! I left an old towel in the men's
room--I was sure I would be able to clean the room before I left. We
do not claim. You might find some toilet paper behind the toilet in
the far stall. That was a test piece--let me know if it shows any
signs of water--I'll alert Mike.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The light switch in the closet under the
stairway--I know has a bad cover. Sorry I didn't get to it, but I
think there are covers on the sudo paint cabinet. Any problems, let me
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">We occasionally smell sewer in the
auditorium. This is usually cured by pouring water down the drain
behind the wetbar--far corner.  I expect this is because of a
small trap that evaporates more quickly than most</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The balcony lights--you found the
breaker, great. I do not know where the wall switch is if indeed there
is one. There are unknown-use switches going up the far stairs to the
balcony. </font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There is a 16-ft stepladder hidden
behind the stage curtain. You'll need this to change bulbs in the
chandeliers--and there is a small supply of bulbs in the sudo paint
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The big grate is from a dismantled stage
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Under the stage: Some carpet-protectors
and some metal-halide lamps--a big lamp and a transformer. I heard
that the light is real white. 1000 watts I think--don't get
fingerprints on the glass they say.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">I left lots of knick knacks on the
lawyer-office bookcase on the stage, and some video tapes. If you
don't want them I will be happy to dispose of them.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">As I mentioned, the filling seen in
the front windows we tested--no asbestos.  I removed the
stuff around the semicircular window and found part of the
bag that contained it--some kind of gypsum. I left this bag in
the chair room on the first shelf against the outer wall, far to the
left. If and when you remove that board, people will take the
stuff. I filled about 20 garbage bags from the semicircular
window and put it on craigslist free. I got a quick response and
someone came by and was so happy to get it.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Women's room: Has one Todo
low-flush toilet. It was running over lately.  Mike fixed
it--but let me know if there are problems.  Once we had
a toilet supply line break and it flooded the chair room--not the major
damage to the wall with lathe--that happened before I
arrived. The floor has a drain, but it appears the edges weren't
sealed. Marvin and I went around the floor and applied sealant--but
this was an amateur job. I did not test it.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">The stairway to the women's room has no
lighting--except for the night light lamp we left which is not a nice
solution. I once installed a "rope-light" on the stairway but it soon
just burned out. There is another one in the sudo room right hand
blue metal cabinet--same brand though.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Both exhaust fans have new motors (10
years ago) but the one nearest the stage -is-noisy. Mike oiled
the fan blade bearings but still noisy.<br>.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Ground floor kitchen</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">I think we are OK here. Note that
the freezer has a flash-defrost pull-knob in the lid. When you close
the door it gets pushed in.<br>.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Outside:<font face="Times New Roman">
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">To-do:</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">I will repair the cuts in the awning
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">I plan to paint over the graffiti with
white. The grey paint unfortunately I recycled so I don't have the shade.
I bought from Frazee up the street, but I called their new San Leandro
place and they couldn't find my account. I will take a sample and try to
get it matched with Kelly-Moore down
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Yow! The bulky pickup guy came
back. He passed it up yesterday because scavengers had made a big
mess--it looks like they just turned boxes upside down looking for
gold. Herb and I repackaged it and they only did a little damage
last night. I will get the sidewalk swept.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There is a timer in the utility room
next to the sink for the 48th St. light. Not good coverage
because of the trees. It may be currently set to go on from say 9-11,
I don't remember.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">There is an electrical box above the
corner door accessible from our window and a timer in our cabinet. I
suppose it was for a big Omni sign.</font><font face="Arial">The BID does a
good job of keeping the front sidewalk cleaned.</font></div>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">We're the 2nd & 4th weeks for
sweeping: Monday across 48th and on this side of Shattuck. Tuesday,
the other side.<br>.</font></div></li></ul>
<div align="justify"><font face="Arial">Maintenance:</font></div></li>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial">Soon I will have the heating people to
inspect the heating system--the one in the concrete room on a platform, and
the four in the basement. These are 2 for the auditorium, 1 for the
basement, and 1 for the basement. FYI:Air-conditioning can be
added. </font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial">I will also schedule a termite inspection
at my expense.</font></div></li></ul>