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Date: 2014-07-09 13:06 GMT-07:00<br>Subject: Noisebridge-discuss Digest, Vol 81, Issue 10<br>To: <a href="mailto:noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net">noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net</a><br><br><br>Send Noisebridge-discuss mailing list submissions to<br>
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<br>Today's Topics:<br>
  1. Looking for collaborators with access to 3D    printers for<br>
   Sci-fi film (Mahesh Subramanian)<br>Â
<br>---------- Missatge reenviat ----------<br>From:Â Mahesh Subramanian <<a href="mailto:smahesh69@gmail.com">smahesh69@gmail.com</a>><br>To:Â "<a href="mailto:noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net">noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net</a>" <<a href="mailto:noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net">noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net</a>><br>
Cc:Â <br>Date:Â Wed, 9 Jul 2014 07:52:45 -0700<br>Subject:Â [Noisebridge-discuss] Looking for collaborators with access to 3D printers for Sci-fi film<br>I'm part of a crew making a sci-fi movie. It is a story of revenge where a Gal goes after a punk-hacker gang who killed her mentor/father. When the Gal tries to infiltrate the gang, she is forced to play a deadly initiation game with Bulge. This game involves printing out a gun using 3D printers using tech-mods (think tattoos with circuitry) to program the printers and using the printed gun to shoot the other player.<br>
I'm looking for people who have expertise in 3D printing to collaborate/brainstorm on filming this sequence. Also looking to borrow a couple of 3D printers for 3 filming days in September.<br>
If anyone is interested in collaborating and has access to 3D printers, please get in touch with smahesh69 at gmail dot com<br></div></div></div>