<div dir="ltr">Hey sudo!<br>
At Thursday night's Omni delegates meeting, the following proposals were<br>
put forth and are up for discussion over the next week, to be voted on<br>
at next Thursday's Omni meeting:<br>
1. Paying Jesse<br>
Jesse Palmer is the Omni's lawyer and has done a phenomenal job<br>
helping us get to where we are now. His bill totals somewhere in the<br>
realm of $8500, which divided among 10 collectives means Sudo would<br>
contribute ~$850.<br>
2. Â Paying an additional month of rent into a reserve<br>
Our rent for July is free, but all collectives could pay rent for the<br>
month of July anyway to be put into a reserve fund. I think this is a<br>
great idea, and we have the funds for it (I believe we have ~$12,000<br>
in the bank).<br>
3. Revision to Consensus Process:<br>
Thus far, the Omni Collective has made decisions using a full<br>
consensus model. The proposal on the table is for votes to strive for<br>
full consensus, but resort to a 2/3 majority vote if consensus cannot<br>
be achieved. This model was recommended by Jesse, who has extensive<br>
experience representing coops and collectives who've run into problems<br>
with full-consensus models for hairy decisions like banning an abusive<br>
individual or - as may be the case with us - removing particular<br>
groups/collectives from the larger collective.<br>
Proposal : New Voting Model<br>
All votes called by the Delegate Council are subject to two rounds of<br>
voting. The first round passes by full consensus. If after friendly<br>
amendments and conversation full consensus cannot be achieved, the<br>
vote moves to a second round which passes by 2/3 majority. If this<br>
second vote fails to pass, the vote does not carry.<br>
This amendment to our full consensus voting procedures is proposed in<br>
light of advice from radical comrades and colleagues who have seen<br>
groups and projects torn apart by bad-faith exploitation of full<br>
consensus voting. Our group's aim and aspiration will always be full<br>
consensus, and we will always work to make sure all voices are heard.<br>
In all of our work and decisionmaking together, let us always be<br>
guided by fairness, kindness, and justice.<br>
Please discuss any issues posed by the above proposals, make<br>
amendments, and feel free to attend next Thursday's meeting if you'd<br>
like to participate!<br>
<a href="http://jennyryan.net/" target="_blank">http://jennyryan.net</a><br>
<a href="http://thepyre.org/" target="_blank">http://thepyre.org</a><br>
<a href="http://thevirtualcampfire.org/" target="_blank">http://thevirtualcampfire.org</a><br>
<a href="http://technomadic.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">http://technomadic.tumblr.com</a><br>
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."<br>
-Laurie Anderson<br>
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."<br>
 -Hannah Arendt<br>
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."<br>
-Stéphane Mallarmé<br>