<div dir="ltr">tl,dr announcements/discussions/decisions from tonight's meeting:<br><br><div class="" id="magicdomid11"><span class="">* Please check your Gittip accounts as we've seen a sharp decline in the past week! Gittip doesn't notify users when their cards are declined.<br>
</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid9"><span class="">*
Omni Kiosk will be put by the front door of the Omni tonight. Check in
to help out with building management tasks so we can better distribute
work among all interested participants! There's also a simple system
set up for reserving common space areas for meetings and the like.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid302"><span class="">*
'Newbie Night' every Friday evening with an oscillating array
of facilitators to help welcome and onboard potential new members. Jenny
can host this week - who would like to host next week? Marc sez yes. </span><span class="">jake says friday is thought to be for partying, not ideal for newbie night<br></span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid302"><span class="">** Perhaps Mondays? Thoughts?<br>
</span></div> * PROPOSAL: <span class="">Proposal to ban non-member scott</span><span class=""> cohen</span> for reasons of safety.<br><div class="" id="magicdomid39"><span class="">** 10 unanimous ayes, proposal passes<br>
</span><div class="" id="magicdomid41"><span class="">* PROPOSAL: "If the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco bans a person </span><span class="">from their space </span><span class="">for reasons of safety, that person is</span><span class=""> </span><span class="">immediately</span><span class=""> & automatically</span><span class=""> banned</span><span class=""> from Sudoroom."</span></div>
<div class="" id="magicdomid48"><span class="">** Consenso: 9 ayes, 1 abstention</span></div></div><div><div class="" id="magicdomid59"><span class="">* PROPOSAL: Add question for new members: "Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace?".</span></div>
<div><div class="" id="magicdomid62"><span class="">** Consenso: 9 ayes, no blocks or abstentions<br></span><div class="" id="magicdomid64"><span class="">* Request of sudoers to read the in-process Omni Safer Space Policy: </span><span class=""><a href="http://wiki.omni-oakland.org/w/Safe_Space_Policy">http://wiki.omni-oakland.org/w/Safe_Space_Policy</a></span><br>
<div class="" id="magicdomid66"><span class="">** To get involved, join the next Challenging Dominant Culture meeting, Saturday at 11am at Arbor Cafe</span></div><span class="">* Permitting meeting on Friday afternoon anytime after 1! Come help! <br>
</span></div>* Shop work party Saturday with Brendan!<br></div><br>Full notes recorded for posterity at: <a href="https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2014-07-30">https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2014-07-30</a><br>
<br clear="all"><div><div>Jenny<br>
<a href="http://jennyryan.net/" target="_blank">http://jennyryan.net</a><br>
<a href="http://thepyre.org/" target="_blank">http://thepyre.org</a><br>
<a href="http://thevirtualcampfire.org/" target="_blank">http://thevirtualcampfire.org</a><br>
<a href="http://technomadic.tumblr.com/" target="_blank">http://technomadic.tumblr.com</a><br>
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."<br>
-Laurie Anderson<br>
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."<br>
 -Hannah Arendt<br>
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."<br>
-Stéphane Mallarmé<br>