When the key policy was passed, BAPS did send a list of people who needed keys. As I recall, It was the only collective  to respond to that request, but I could be forgetting. I am about to find those emails and I will let BAPS and will let ya'll know.

In any case, each collective is supposed to identify who needs a key based upon the criteria in the key policy  https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Keys


On 10/6/15 11:36 AM, niki wrote:
Have the collectives been informed that their members will need new keys to access the space? 

I only ask because, despite knowing that this was upcoming at some point in the future, I didn't see any announcement as to an exact date when the locks were being changed. 

Forgive me if this was announced at a delegate's meeting and I am missing it - I just want to make sure that BAPS is aware in the event that class facilitators need to get keys in time for their classes this week.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:45 AM, danarauz@gmail.com <danarauz@gmail.com> wrote:
: )

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
yes, keycard access for the front door is still the way 99.9% of Omni users should get access.

Matt just likes copying keys and rekeying locks.


On Tue, 6 Oct 2015, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:

The plan is still to have the keycard access as well, right?
What additional functionality do the hard copy keys offer over the key
card access? Other than being able to open the door even if the keycard
access is down, of course...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:12 AM, mattsenate@gmail.com
<mattsenate@gmail.com> wrote:
      Howdy folks,

      I've got new keys to:

      + Front Door
      + Secure Storage
      + Basement Storage
      + Green Room or A/V Room
      + Editing Room

      As a member, please obtain approval to be a keyholder via
      your member collective,  and gather a mandatory $5 deposit.

      As a non-member please submit a request to
      keys@omnicommons.org responding to the questions on our Key
      wiki page:


      // Matt

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