I got 4 of these last week. I've got one board setup to do some testing. Basic setup is ESP32 with....
10k/10k voltage divider on battery (tested, working)
2k/12k voltage divider on the 12v solar cell (not tested yet)

To start I'm just going to do some basic monitoring/logging, I also have some ASC714 current sensors I thought I might add in.
If anyone can think of some specific tests to do let me know. Mostly I got these to get some monitoring infrastructure in place for some
other solar projects.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 8:20 AM <samuk@disroot.org> wrote:
I spotted this LifePO4 module, the schematic and BOM are CC-BY-SA




January 17, 2020 11:09 AM, "Marc Juul" <marc@juul.io> wrote:

> On 1/16/20, samuk@disroot.org <samuk@disroot.org> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I've been looking into solar a bit, in the process, I came across this MPPT:
>> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000031728632.html
> Yeah that's the Waveshare module. Unfortunately it uses the CN3791
> which is what we used on the previous disaster.radio prototype. It is
> not true MPPT and does did not perform well. It is super cheap though
> (less than 50 cents I believe). I think this one is probably decent:
> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12885
> but it has to be modified to support the full 2A and they didn't break
> out the temperature sensor pin.
> We just started working on our own MPPT module but that will take a
> while. You could also try to modify Elektra's ESP32 based module for
> Li-ion operation:
> https://media.ccc.de/v/36c3-oio-166-ff-esp32-openmppt-new-freifunk-isems-mppt-solar-controller-with-
> ntegrated-wifi
> --
> marc/juul
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