Ah yeah, assumed local.

My personal work with LoRa has been on a hiatus as I get through Def Con but I'm still a co-maintainer for arduino-LoRa (new release coming very soon!) and I maintain my own ESP32 (esp-idf) specific driver at https://gitlab.com/morganrallen/esp32-lora

Post Def Con I'll either be jumping to contributing to https://hackaday.io/project/165450-keyboard-featherwing or spinning off my own version (Got a box of BBQ10s I cannot wait to use!)

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 3:16 PM <samuk@disroot.org> wrote:

Hi Morgan

Thanks for the offer, we're actually based in Bristol UK, so probably not viable to get hold of it!

It would be great if more people were playing with this hardware/ code though. Maybe someone there would like to have a go with it?

I do plan to be in San Francisco in the first week of September, so may try to drop in and see you guys then..



August 2, 2019 11:09 PM, "Morgan Allen" <morganrallen@gmail.com> wrote:
If you're eager to get started I can lend you at least one of those modules until your next order arrives.
On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 2:56 PM <samuk@disroot.org> wrote:
Hi all

We're having a go at Disaster radio on these boards

Libby has made a couple of changes here

It seems to compile OK and we get the web app up, we are waiting on a second board to actually play with the LoRa side.

If anyone else wants to play the boards are pretty cheap..



June 15, 2019 8:19 PM, "Morgan Allen" <morganrallen@gmail.com> wrote:
Doesn't look like there is any routing, it simply broadcasts the message out.
On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 5:00 AM <samuk@disroot.org> wrote:
Hi all

I spotted this https://github.com/muimota/LoRaChat

Which seems to do similar to Disaster radio, but using existing LoRa boards such as:


I'm unclear how the routing works on the above link.


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