The caribbean was "given" the right? Lol.

It's cartels and governments all the way up!

On Jan 31, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Eddan Katz <> wrote:

I sense that the market for gambling-related domain registrations from the country-level domain registrars in Antigua and Barbuda will see increased  activity.

January 28, 2013. WTO: Antigua To Retaliate Against US By Suspending IP Rights Protection

After years of unsuccessful negotiations between nations, the World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body today gave Antigua and Barbuda the right to impose sanctions against the United States for blocking online gambling. The US was found in violation of WTO rules in 2007 and has failed to resolve the issue, so the Caribbean nation was given the right to retaliate in an area that is likely to force a US response - lifting US intellectual property rights.

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