Begin forwarded message:
From: "Steve, Public Citizen's Global Trade
Watch" <gtwinfo(a)>
Subject: Fast Track bill submitted - decisive moment for TPP
Date: January 9, 2014 11:26:35 AM PST
To: eddank(a)
Reply-To: gtwinfo(a)
January 9, 2014
This moment could not be more important.
It is do-or-die time for our years of work against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Hours ago, U.S. Representative Dave Camp and U.S. Senator Max Baucus introduced a bill
for Congress to grant President Barack Obama Fast Track trade authority.
If Congress approves this bill, it will give away its constitutional authority to protect
us from the numerous threats posed by the TPP.
Write now and demand that your representative commit to you in writing to vote “no” on
Fast Track.
If the Fast Track bill passes, the TPP could be signed before Congress votes on it. Then
the deal could be railroaded through Congress with no amendments and limited debate.
We must not allow Congress to give away its authority to save us from the TPP.
Email your representative today and demand that he or she commits to vote “no” to Fast
The last thing we need is to Fast Track another so-called “free trade” agreement written
for the benefit of big corporations and to the detriment of us, our families and our
Fast Track trade authority is how Clinton and Bush passed the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA and other
disastrous “trade” deals.
If Congress grants President Obama Fast Track, then the TPP likely will be added to that
Email your member of the House of Representatives today and tell him or her to oppose
Fast Track.
There is almost no progressive movement or campaign whose goals are not threatened by the
TPP. And vast swaths of public interest policy achieved through decades of struggle would
be undermined by the deal if it gets Fast Tracked through Congress.
If we don’t get Congress to say “no” to Fast Track right now, all of the TPP’s threats
we’ve been warning about for the past three years could become reality.
The TPP would empower foreign corporations to sue governments in international tribunals
if a country implements environmental, public health or other public interests policies
that undermine corporations’ “expected future profits.”
It would create new incentives to offshore more American jobs.
The TPP would grant new monopoly privileges to Big Pharma that would raise medicine
prices and cut consumers’ access to live-saving medicines.
As revealed by the TPP chapter released by WikiLeaks in November, it would even attack
Internet freedom by imposing copyright provisions that put the interests of Hollywood fat
cats before our basic right to free speech.
And that’s only a sliver of the damage that could be done by the TPP.
Write now.
There is so much at stake.
But if we act together, we can derail Fast Track and the TPP.
Steve Knievel
Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch
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