It's set up - David and I helped him out but we were both doing other things. Would have be great to have the person who scheduled the service here to take care of this! 

At any rate - apparently we now have really fast internet so yay! 

I guess we can cancel our other service now, yes? Can someone do this?

This new service should be billed to the Omni (Jenny has the info needed to set this up - Jenny, let me know if you need someone else to take care of this.)


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 2:59 PM, max b <> wrote:
Hey Niki,

Let me know if you can't get a hold of Marc, or if they're still looking for someone. I wasn't aware that they were coming over today, but we definitely need to get this together and I'd be happy to run over and hold their hand and/or whatever they need.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 2:56 PM, niki <> wrote:
I guess we have new internet now!

Someone from LMI came by looking for Marc. 

I'd like to ask people that if, in the future, you schedule a service like this you try to find someone to be here if you are not able to be, please. 

So anyway, let me know who I need to give the relevant information to.


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