Our last Tuesday of the month general meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday October 27th at the Omni!

We've been busy alpha testing the network and have been getting some promising results! More info on that process can be found here:

We're especially interested in finding a handful of new folks who would want to host nodes. If you're willing to share some of your home bandwidth, generally reliable, and interested in our project, it's a great way to learn about the network while helping us out a lot with very little initial investment! If you're able to email me in advance of the meeting letting me know that you're interested in hosting a home node, that would be especially helpful, but if not that's ok too.

We take notes of our meetings (which everyone is encouraged to check out even if you're not in attendance) here:

Feel free to add agenda items if there are things you want to bring up/ask/etc.

We're also generally on IRC on freenode servers in channel #peoplesopen.net

For information on how to join, check out https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh#Join_Us

Hope to see you there!