I just emailed the folks you mentioned, bcc'd you. At this point I'm hoping we can land our terms of service rewrite tonight or early tomorrow, at which point sudomesh can upgrade to a new Team account. We have more code to write before we can run payday tomorrow so if we pull it off it will be in the afternoon pacific time. Stay tuned!

Chad Whitacre, Founder, Gratipay
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On Wed, 13 May at 8:16 PM , max b <maxb.personal@gmail.com> wrote:
Great thanks so much. Yeah I'm just getting caught up on the situation now.

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Gratipay Support <support@gratipay.com> wrote:
Thanks for getting back to me, Max! Sorry for the sudo confusion. Things are a bit woolly over here, with gory details are on this GitHub ticket. Basically, we'll need you or someone to click a couple buttons on Gratipay.com to migrate Sudo Mesh to our new system. I will email you as soon as the buttons are ready to click! :-)

Chad Whitacre, Founder, Gratipay
On Wed, 13 May at 8:04 PM , max b <maxb.personal@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chad,

Sorry no one got back to you sooner. This mailing list is actually pretty much exclusively for sudomesh, NOT sudoroom. I feel reasonably comfortable speaking on behalf of sudomesh, but in order to get in touch with someone who can help you with sudoroom, I would send this question to the following emails:
sudo-sys@lists.sudoroom.org, mattsenate@gmail.com, marc@juul.io, tunabananas@gmail.com, yardenack@gmail.com
(I'm sure I'm leaving someone out, but I think one of these folks can help)

As for sudomesh, I believe we're interested in making the migration. I know someone is working on writing their own stripe implementation, but depending on the new requirements, I think we would be interested in doing the migration at least until we can get our own platform up and running.

What are our next steps?


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Gratipay Support <support@gratipay.com> wrote:

We're trying really hard to get back on track tomorrow. However, Sudo Room/Mesh will need to take action to migrate to the new Teams feature we're developing in order to receive payments in the future. I'd love to help make sure you start receiving payments again tomorrow. Are you interested?

Chad Whitacre, Founder, Gratipay
On Fri, 8 May at 2:57 PM , Gratipay Support <support@gratipay.com> wrote:
Were you able to read the blog post linked from the email?

Happy to try to answer more specific questions. 

I'm really sorry for the disappointment. :-(

I consider Sudoroom/sudomesh to be a model Gratipay user and I know you've been depending on us. We're going to be making some big changes quickly in order to get back on track. Our goal is to begin process payments for sudoroom/sudomesh again next week, but it's going to take some input on your part because we're going to be implementing a new separate terms of service for receivers that we'll need you to opt in to before we can get back on track. Would you be a good person to schedule a call with to let you know what we're looking at over here?

Chad Whitacre, Founder, Gratipay

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