Hey Paige,

I'd love to join you on any of the community trips to Richmond that you schedule. I'll be back in the bay area on Monday, so pretty much any time after that I would be free to come along. I could also bring along some relevant hardware, etc. if we wanted to show them what we're talking about. I'd also commit to doing some amount of network administration stuff to help get a test deployment up there and do some basic performance monitoring. The timing with getting a deployment up might be a little tricky because we want to make sure we have everything right before we make any promises, but our current test deployments have been working well, so hopefully we'll be ready in time.

Thanks for putting in the work to connect to these folks and keeping us up to date on it!


On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:35 PM, Paige Peterson <ioptio@riseup.net> wrote:
Hi all - an update to mention I'm reconnecting with Richmond based
non-profit Building Blocks for Kids to discuss best ways to integrate
People's Open Network with the community out here. Per our discussions a
few weeks ago, the plan is to show Ralph from Internet Archive that
SudoMesh is worth collaborating with so he will open up access to their
free wifi tower to spread via mesh instead of limiting it to just the
few repeaters they have set up already.

My goals will be to:
-find out where the few repeaters are now and how we can hook
into/extend their access
-find the best ways to outreach to this area for a group of people
willing and able to maintain a test deployment (and obv bring them by
SudoRoom for a mesh meeting, etc)

I plan to meet with Teresa from their Digital access team next week at
BBK offices in Richmond.
If anyone wants to join, let me know. Perhaps it would be nice to bring
some nodes to show?

Finally, sorry for being MIA at meetings the past couple weeks - life
things getting in the way causing various stages of overwhelmed head
space triggering reclusive tendencies. I *will* be back... hopefully
with some folks in Richmond interested in testing/maintaining a mesh out

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