On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 9:56 PM, Hilary Naylor wrote:

> <snip> but it's one of the fall-outs of having "net neutrality" rules. If they can't rate-differentiate sources, ISPs will  manufacture artificially handicapped hardware.

This, to me, is reason enough to look for different ISPs, and if ISPs that do not respect users can't be found, start my own.  No corporation will persist in an activity that drives their customers away, but we have to have somewhere to go, be it an already existing replacement for the service or creating our own replacement.

What other option to you have in the area?

-- Erik

"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity." ... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne