
Sorry for the late reply here -- thank you Alex for getting this wrapped up and sent! I enjoyed working on this, and I hope my efforts were more generative than complicating, as I am only (still) getting up to speed on some of the more technical aspects.

I regret that I succumbed to some "busyness" and failed to send this out in my personal capacity before the deadline. Did any of our members send it or a derivative?

I think this is a great moment for us -- maybe not in the grand scheme of things, but it feels good that we were able to come together at all and speak with a unified political voice. I appreciate everybody who supported this effort in any way.

I'm considering posting this on my blog, with a bit of explanation about why Sudo Mesh is important to me. Alex, Marc, and anybody else whose fingerprints are on it -- may I assume a "CC BY" license (which allows republication with or without modification, for any purpose including commercial, provided there is attribution) for this?


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Marc Juul <> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Alexander Papazoglou <> wrote:
Submitted. It's different from the Google Drive version. I incorporated a bunch of
the parts we discussed (may thanks to Pete), and tried to iron out the explanation of why
the proposed rules are so wrong.

Awesome! Thanks Alex and Pete!