Here is the latest FNF work

We will make that (once finished) the Free Network Definition (long form, plain english), and the FND will serve as an input into an actual legal document called the Network Commons License.

We will be fleshing out all of the definitions tomorrow at the link above. Once we've got a finished draft, we will circulate it very widely for review (hopefully end of day tomorrow or so).

Marc Juul <> wrote:
On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Marc Juul <> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Mitar <> wrote:

So I posted that ticket on our wlan slovenija Trac some time ago, but I
am also writing now here because maybe there are some people who would
be also interested in more lawish approach to open networks.

So the idea I have is that what we are doing now with community wireless
networks, how we grow them and connect them is all very similar to how
Internet was build in the beginning. Mostly it all works because of the
trust and because we share similar values.

Interesting idea about the license-type agreement. I think the free network foundation is working on something similar. We should sync with them.

Relevant links from the FNF and has written something that the Free Network Foundation refers to as a "Wireless Commons License":

Here is an (in progress?) english translation:
Here is a document from the FNF wiki called "Free network definition":

And then there was an email from Charles Wyble of the FNF to this mesh list where he said:

  "Oh yeah, we are working on the GPL for networks , called the Network Commons License. RMS is on our board of advisors." -- from


mesh mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.