Awesome! I'm excited! I'll be there and can show people how to set up a new exit node for their own mini-mesh-network.


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Benny Lichtner <> wrote:
Hello friendly meshers!

The next Build Your Own Internet office hours* is this Sunday February 18th from 1pm to late afternoon in SudoRoom.

Last week, folks did all kinds of awesome things, including (but not limited to!):
- making rad signage
- creating a new BYOI workshop landing page
- cleaning up and adding to the Mounting Guide
- creating People's Open Network and Sudo Room pages on Wikipedia [ack! they are now candidates for deletion! let's research this weekend and respond.]
- beginning the daunting process of cleaning up the SudoMesh wiki
- beginning to add templating back to the peoplesopen.netwebsite source code
- debugging the subtle but infamous exit node outage

This week's theme is Protocols: who needs 'em anyway? certainly not me. i'm through with protocols !

It'll be a great time to continue all the awesome work listed above, start a new project, or get newly acquainted with the mesh, this time (casually) through the lens of protocols.

Some questions I have about protocols are: What are wikipedia's protocols about article deletion and noteworthiness? How does the "babel" protocol, currently in use by our mesh network, work? What social protocols do we use at sudomesh to coordinate all of these awesome efforts?


As always, we'll be there to answer questions and learn from each other about cable crimping, node flashing and mounting, as well as other aspects of the project.

Hope to see you there!


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