There is a direct action training day being organized for Thursday, April 24th at sudo room.

They are going to have people experienced in climbing buildings and harnesses, but they are depending on the landlords permission to actually do the training. I doubt they will get that permission. Does anyone know of a place nearby where we might be able to do the climbing training instead? Anyone have experience with climbing or access to climbing harnesses?

They are also requesting internet security training. Do the crypto party folk want to make an appearance with some of the mesh folk? It could be a kind of training-trade. Security for roof climbing. It can be really informal, with small groups or one on one conversations. Just like crypto party. We don't have to do this, but it's on our general meeting day anyway so if some mesh and/or cryptoparty folk are willing to show up earlier then that'd be rad. Jenny and Will, what do you think?

Here's the preliminary announcement:

Thursday, April 24th:
Direct Action Training Day and film screenings

9:00 AM-5:00 PM – The Sudo Room – 2141 Broadway Ave. Downtown Oakland (Use side entrance on 22nd st.) California

This will be a full day of Direct Action  trainings/workshops on how to use a diversity of non-violent direct action tactics and skills such as pickets/strikes, lockdowns, climbing techniques/treesits, banner drops, blockades, security culture,  scouting, targets, labor law, legal observation, counter-surveillance,  affinity groups, protest art and much more.
