You can see last week's minutes below or online here:

'''People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 23 October 2018 7:30pm-9pm'''

=== Agenda ===
* Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
* Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
* Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
* Next Sunday (5 mins)
* Proposal X: (15 mins)
* Discussion Y: (15 mins)
* Discussion Z (15 mins)
* Action Items (5 mins)
* Breakout Groups

=== Introductions ===
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
* Icebreaker question: favorite deja Vu moment
* jehan - = he/him - general
* jnny - she/her - age 7
* seth - he/they - general deja vu twice a year
** just mounted a node at aquatic park!!! want to see if it reaches berkeley sailing club zone
* juan - from peru, worked on building wireless networks there - recurring feeling of being in a coma
* nanomonkey - reremembering times i've played a game where I have to take a mental image of the last time I remember playing the game.
* Null - they/them - black cat walked by and then again!
* benny - he/him - noticing recurring phrases, recently "it is what it is"

=== Meeting Roles ===
* Facilitator/s: jehan
* Stacktaker:
* Notetaker/s: jenny, benny
** URL of this pad:

== Check in on previous action items ==
Check previous meeting minutes at and past action items below:
* Reach out to insurance broker recommended by Jesse - Jenny
** have psychological block with insurance :(
** jehan has old e-mail from them forgot to reply to. need irs letter, supplemental application. will follow up and ask for help on rocket chat if needed.
* e-mail yar about tcp activities (benny)
** did not, but now I have jar's e-mail address :) thanks jenny
* Post the Handshake PR to our blog
** Mai did!
* Set up event postings for next BYOI -
** see (
** Omni Calendar - Jenny
*** complete
*** benny - do we need this? thought it was gonna be outdoor BBQ
** Eventbrite - Mai
** East Bay Express - Eve

== Updates & Reportbacks ==
=== Bugs/Technical ===
Priority bugs we need help with are located at: - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello:
* During last office hours (21 Oct 2018), Grant and Jorrit tried to migrate current (and associated) to a new server so that we can run a secondary exit node on it (see . To complete this, access to domain name registrar (namecheap?) and digital ocean are needed. First is protected with MFA, for second the password seems out of date. Ask - please provide access .
** jenny - i updated password for DO and added grant, benny, and jorrit as users to namecheap. so should be done.

=== Node Mounts & Outreach ===
Node Mounts Trello:
* jehan - recently installed a network in medellin colombia! unfortunately not yet online because of issues with backhaul. ISP is flaky :-/ but that's normal. Didn't make the backhaul deal far enough ahead of time. It is ~40 nodes! Ubiquity rocket dishes from a school to a hacker center, where they will have fiber. At the school there are sector antennas that face adjacent hillside. Taught folks how to crimp outdoor ethernet. You can just run a cable across a bunch of roofs and nobody will have a problem with it! Looking for other options while waiting for ISP...
* read more:
** jenny: suggest pinging MedellinLibre if they still exist. Contact is Fernando Giraldo,
* scouted the berkeley marina on sunday. LOS to richmond tower might work, though there's a park to the north of the yacht and sailing clubs that may be a barrier - we should try anyway. jenny has contacts to both yacht and sailing clubs

=== Communications & Events ===
Comms Trello: // Events Trello:
* jenny - this coming sunday internet archive is having party at warehouse in richmond. sounds awesome! check here:
* jenny - got an email from someone in florida who has been following our email list for a while. going to cc ben.
* jehan - come to portland on nov. 10 for a workshop we're putting on about building your own isp!
* benny - ragga got in touch on rocketchat about setting up mesh in Anna Regina, Guyana. they're wondering if anyone knows about cheap broadband providers in South America?
** inquiry on rocketchat from @ragga wanting to building a network in Guyana, chat continues in #learning channel
** juan says Telefonica is the biggest provider there, Claro resells them. juan bought bandwidth from telefonica and built routes from those locations (in bigger cities) to places they were not interested in reaching.
** Satellite connections are expensive and slow

=== Internal Logistics / Finance ===
Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:

== Next Sunday ==
Jenny suggests we take over the Archive party on Sunday :D

=== Node Mount ===
We try to arrange a rooftop node mount every Sunday afternoon. Ongoing spreadsheet is located at:
* Next Sunday's mount: negatory

=== Office Hours ===
We host office hours every Sunday from 1-2pm in Sudo Room. To sign up for a shift, fill in your name here:
* Next Sunday's volunteer: benny -- rendezvous for an hour or two then go to internet archive?
* Notes from this past Sunday's session: scoped marina.

== Miscellaneous Link Dump ==
* UN Press Release -

== Action Items ==
* e-mail yar about tcp activities (benny)
* Reach out to insurance broker recommended by Jesse - Jehan
* e-mail some spaces about richmond tower link (benny)
* talk to marc about richmond tower server hardware (benny)

== Breakout Groups ==
At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.

== Last Meeting Notes ==
* link to previous meeting minutes

== End of Meeting ==
* please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki with the correct date format:
* then please erase the contents of this pad
* then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
* previous meeting notes are archived here:

October 21, 2018 4:43 PM, wrote:
Hey there,

This is a reminder to add any topics you'd like to be discussed at the People's Open Network meeting today, Tues 18 October 2018, 7:30 - 9:00 PM PT.

>> <<<

Please add your discussion item(s) where it says "== Discussion: X ==" or "== Proposal: X ==" and include any concise, relevant comments to inform the discussion. Remember to also add the topic at the top under Agenda.

If you add something, we expect you to come to the meeting to give some context and lead that discussion.
