Hi Alcides,
BATMAN is still very much under development -  batman-adv 2013.0.0 was released on Jan. 15th, see http://www.open-mesh.org/projects/open-mesh/wiki/2013-01-15-batman-adv-2013-0-0-release.  open-mesh's NG firmware uses batman-adv kernel module.

As far as routers go, I have set up folks with open-mesh equipment because it works off the shelf. However I am not (yet) committed to any particular hardware or software or protocol, I consider 510pen to be a research and development project - mixed with as much real-world deployment in the community as we have volunteers to work on!

By the way - I'm curious how excited folks are about meeting up this week. I was also thinking about attending Cory Doctorow's book reading - https://www.eff.org/event/cory-doctorow-booksmith  and having the next meetup next Thursday - unless a lot of folks were planning to be there :)

--mark B.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:03 PM, Alcides Gutierrez <alcides888@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi. Im new to meshing. Ive been scouring the web though since November. ;) Im currently purchasing 2 WNDR3800's to flash with OpenWrt and use either batman-adv or olsr.

I am having trouble choosing between batman and olsr. Discussions online seem to suggest development for olsr ongoing whereas its implied that batman dev has gone stagnant? But batman is preinstalled on byzantium live cds.

Also, I've been hanging out on efnet irc (#cjdns, #seattlemeshnet, etc) with folks involved with cjdns. Pretty happening project. They got some tunneled network called (#)Hyperboria. The way that network works is with pgp key exchanges and you gotta actually approach some one to get in. Also ipv6 native.

Im hoping to set up a linux box as a cjdns node and expose people to it via nat66??? But my main objective is to (educate how to) install/modify consumer routers to link up a olsr (or batman) network. Lots more work ahead.

I also ran into open-mesh on my quest. I understand 510open encourages use of their routers. Also from what I understand their older models (which I believe are [broken-]linked to on their website) are preinstalled with Robin, which I have no knowledge of but willing to explore. The newer models (online discussions suggest) use NG, with which I am also unfamiliar. Perhaps Mark D has more info?

Im hopin my energy here in Exelsior, SF can mesh well with whats going on at 510pen. Perhaps more compatibilty in the future? Im definitely hoping to bridge the gap with Seattles cjdns eventually. Though they already got a decent following of testers internationally.

Anyway, cheers everyone!

Alcides Gutierrez

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