Hey Everyone -

As you probably know, the exit node of the People's Open Network (PON) has been malfunctioning for about a week now, causing the network from behaving properly. 

We've been gathering evidence here https://github.com/sudomesh/bugs/issues/8 and are trying to reproduce the issue in an isolated environment. This involves setting up an exit node from scratch. 

I am making slow progress despite help from others because I am learning as I go, trying to document my progress in reproducible setup scripts at https://github.com/jhpoelen/exitnode . If this leads to anything, I am hoping we can consolidate this with the existing (outdated) documentation and incorporate into our growing collection of guides.

If you feel inspired to help with this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any other member familiar with the setup.

What I am learning from this is that sharing knowledge (incl. nuts and bolts) about how PON works is probably more important than PON itself.
