Hey Benny,

peoplesopen.net 65.28.1 is your peoplesopen.net SSID - the nodes need unique names due to roaming issues, in which someone within LOS to two mesh nodes will experience auto-roaming to both nodes, and upon connecting to a different node's SSID will be on a new IP subnet but not receive a new dhcp lease - since the SSID is the same - causing their connection to break.


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On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 11:54 AM, Benny Lichtner <bennlich@gmail.com> wrote:
Will do! Thanks!

Do you have any idea if the absence of a peoplesopen.net SSID on my home node is related to this? Should I debug that separately?

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 11:26 AM, G Gallo <ggallo102@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Benny,

Thanks for reporting this. Me and few other people have been seeing the same behavior. It appears to be tied to the status of the exit node (unknown?) and the state of the tunneldigger broker (also unknown?). If you like to help debug this issue, you can add your observations to this github issue, https://github.com/sudomesh/bugs/issues/8 . It is one of our top 3 bugs and we are very interested in getting all the help we can.


On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Benny Lichtner <bennlich@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey there! I successfully flashed a home node and am able to connect to the private SSID, SSH in as root, and poke around. When I connect my home node to my home router, I am able to access the internet via the private SSID. However, I don't think I'm actually connected to the mesh. Am wondering if something is going wrong with the tunneling.

Some notes:

0) tunneldigger is running:

root@pattyspuddles:~# ps | grep tunnel

 2900 root      5312 S    /usr/bin/tunneldigger -u ecd1b967-16e5-4c08-b738-bf83b82f559c -i l2tp0 -t 1 -b -L 1000kbit -s /opt/mesh/tunnel_hook -I eth1

1) In /var/log/messages I see:

Sun Feb  4 10:16:49 2018 daemon.info td-client: Performing broker selection...

Sun Feb  4 10:16:52 2018 daemon.info td-client: Selected as the best broker.

Sun Feb  4 10:16:56 2018 daemon.info td-client: Tunnel successfully established.

Sun Feb  4 10:16:56 2018 daemon.info td-client: Requesting the broker to configure downstream bandwidth limit of 1000 kbps.

2) ping works
3) ping -I mesh5 does not work
4) ping -I l2tp0 does not work

5) I see 2 public SSIDs peoplesopen.net 65.28.1 and peoplesopen.net 65.28.1 fast, but I do not see plain ol' peoplesopen.net. Is this expected?
6) If I'm connected to either peoplesopen.net 65.28.1 or peoplesopen.net 65.28.1 fast, I cannot access the internet.

Any suggestions for how to continue debugging would be awesome!


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