
Thanks for this message. I talked to the reporter Friday afternoon. It seems like his angle was appropriate -- he was looking to cover the mesh as "something interesting in development," not "something ready for the general public to jump into." We had a good conversation, and I was able to emphasize that I've been pretty non-core as far as the major plans, and was just talking to him as an individual fan of mesh networks as an empowerment tool, and a small-scale node host. (I didin't mention that I'm still a couple days away from having my node up on a regular basis...whoops!)

Hope this recap helps. I think he will contact me if/when the story publishes, and I'll be sure the list is notified.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 7:57 PM, Jenny Ryan <> wrote:
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You are totally right! I was positioning this in a scarcity framework,
which is totally erroneous. We should be developing relationships with
journalists and reporters who can learn about who we are and why we're
doing this, and who can write thoughtful, in-depth stories based on
these honest relationships. Thanks for bein' so rad, as you tend to be

Mesh the planet!
I wish I was there tonight!

On Thu 12 Jun 2014 02:52:10 AM EDT, Pete Forsyth wrote:
> OpenPGP: *Parts of the message have NOT been signed or encrypted*
> Jenny,
> Thanks for your trust. I am pretty confident I can talk to a reporter in a
> way that is a net positive. With an effort like this, I do not see a
> reporter wanting to scoop the launch; I don't yet know anything about the
> kind of article he's looking to write, but it's very unlikely he'd want to
> write a "this thing is launching" article unless we were saying "this thing
> is launching."
> I think looking at "publicity cards" (nice term :) as a finite resource is
> the wrong framework. I'd say it actually works the other way around; by the
> time we *are* ready to make a real launch, we want to have some things in
> place, like reporters that have found us responsive and interesting to talk
> to in the past, stories that have hinted at what might be coming in the
> future, etc. If there is curiosity about what we're doing (from the
> reporters and/or from the public), if we can nurture that curiosity, we
> will be in a position to do a much more successful launch whenever we're
> ready for it.
> All that said, I'm happy to be pretty cautious with him, and will make sure
> he understands that I'm not a very active and up-to-date part of the group
> these days; that way, he can get a little info, but it will be clear that
> he hasn't reached the "core group" yet. So we know there won't yet be a
> story with a quote from you guys. That ought to give you a little bit of an
> edge in the future if you want to do a more in-depth interview. (Even
> though I think it's an edge you won't need ;)
> How's all that sound?
> Pete
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Jenny Ryan <> wrote:
> ********* *BEGIN ENCRYPTED or SIGNED PART* *********
> Hey Pete!
> Personally, I've been a bit avoidant with reporters because we're not
> quite ready for a public launch, and I'd much prefer we save any
> 'publicity cards' for when we're really ready to start selling
> fully-functional nodes on the site.
> I dig Tech President (the publication the reporter you're talking with
> is writing the article for) and have replied to him saying I was out of
> town but would be happy to meet up when he gets back. Totally
> supportive of you making the first contact!
> Maybe we should invite him to a hacknight?
> Cheers,
> Jenny
> On Wed 11 Jun 2014 03:42:44 PM EDT, Pete Forsyth wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I got an inquiry from a reporter for who wants to
>> interview me about my node. I told him I'd give him a ring tomorrow.
>> Any requests or suggestions about how I should approach it?
>> Pete
>> 503-383-9454
>> [[User:Peteforsyth]]
>> node:phorzaith
>> _______________________________________________
>> mesh mailing list
> --
> Jenny
> `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
> "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
> -Laurie Anderson
> "Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
> it."
>  -Hannah Arendt
> "To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
> -Stéphane Mallarmé
> ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`
> ********** *END ENCRYPTED or SIGNED PART* **********

- --

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
- -Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
- -Stéphane Mallarmé
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