On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 2:17 AM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:

Yes, there is the whole stack:

https://github.com/ssbc/secure-scuttlebutt (data layer)
https://github.com/ssbc/scuttlebot (networking layer)
https://github.com/ssbc/phoenix (phoenix)

phoenix really looks cool. A decentralized web application.

I really like what they are doing here. Pretty nice design, security
considerations, modern approach.

Completely agree.
Here is my idea what I would like to see:


Hm yes, but you _will_ need servers somewhere in the network for most types of applications. Mostly the servers just need to be there so your data is available to others when your browser isn't open. Serving up the initial html/js for the website only needs to happen once btw, since substack's hyperboot allows infinite offline caching of a web app after initial load and could easily be modified to fetch signed web app updates from other clients via WebRTC (something I'm planning to add soon). The whole ICE/STUN/TURN stack shouldn't really be needed on a mesh but unfortunately it seems like there is no way to get the IP of the machine running the browser other than "ask someone else". This might be a nice thing to petition for adding to the web standards as it's really the only thing missing for full decentralized operation (after initial "installation"). Another nice thing would be multicast WebRTC, but that's almost certainly never going to happen. The best we can do is probably running multiple WebRTC to multicast gateways on our meshes.
