Calling all node whispers and potential PONIs (Peoples Open Node Installers)!

The next Build Your Own Internet office hours* is tomorrow, Sunday April 14th from 1pm to late afternoon in SudoRoom.

During last week's office hours, we discovered a critical bug in the operation of the People's Open Network. So called BUG #27 prevents mesh connections, bridged by roof mounted nodes, from providing internet access to the remote node.

Therefore, I'm proposing that we freeze work on any node mounts and put all hands on deck to resolve this bug.

A few other node whispers and I will be around SudoRoom today and Friday to work on this issue. Anyone interested in helping out and learning about whispering to extender nodes is encouraged to stop by. If we are so lucky as to resolve this bug in the next 2-3 days, then, on Sunday, I would like to hold the first session of the "Extended Extender Node Whisperer Extension Program," where you can learn how to detect bugs like #27 and set up your own wireless point-to-point link using directional WiFi antennas (i.e. extender nodes).

Hope to see y'all Sunday!



* What are BYOI office hours? 

It serves two purposes:

1. A jumping off point for people interested helping with a scheduled Sunday node mount, but who are not able to attend a Tuesday night meeting or are not "in the know."

2. A friendly, non-confrontational time for new people to get oriented to the project or just ask general questions about networking, the internet, and their service provider.

We may also use the time to hold training sessions on a topic of choice, conduct outreach to potential node locations, address finances and purchasing, or tackle any other outstanding issues.