Hello Sudo Meshers,

Tonight?s meeting is on the first Tuesday of the month. Do you know what that means...?

Another hang out / newcomers' night!

It's time to relax and talk about decentralized/democratized/mesh internet over snacks and drinks. It's also a great time to welcome new folks who are interested in the project and want an informal setting to get to know what we're about. 

This week we may do a reflection of the BYOI this past weekend and talk about what worked and what didn?t.

  • WHEN: 7:30 ? 9:00 PM First Tuesdays of the month
  • WHERE: Omni Commons Mezzanine (the area right above the main entrance, on the 2nd floor)
  • THINGS TO BRING (OPTIONAL): A laptop. Food/drinks to share. 

Whether you haven't been around in a while or it's your first time, we'd love to see you! So come by, say hi, and stay for a bit.
