I forgot to mention that this Tuesday will be a special meeting!

We're going to talk about what principles and values we want to embody as a project. The below are *draft principles* that I thought could be hacked on as a group:

* Collaboration over competition
** Be a team player. We're on the same team and want to achieve the same things.

* People/communities over technology
** Regarding how and what technologies we use, we should carefully weigh how its use reflects our values as a community.
** Paying attention to the way people actually use technology is more important than chasing cutting edge tools or methods.

* Experiment and iterate
** Improvise. Iterate. Ask questions. Give ourselves permission to not know and to make mistakes. Find freedom in uncertainty.

If you have ideas on principles that we think are important for us to uphold, please add them to the meeting minutes. I've added a few ideas, many of them lifted from other principles such as the International Co-operative Alliance's 7 Principles for Cooperatives.

If you would like to remotely join the discussion via Zoom, please let me know by Tuesday morning and I'll set that up.


May 4, 2018 10:25 AM, mai@peoplesopen.net wrote:

Hey there,

This is your weekly reminder to add any topics you'd like to be discussed at the People's Open Network meeting on Tue 8 May 2018, 7:30 - 9:00 PM PT.
>>> https://peoplesopen.net/notes <<<

Please add your discussion item(s) where it says "== Discussion: X ==" or "== Proposal: X ==" and include any concise, relevant comments to inform the discussion. Remember to also add the topic at the top under Agenda.

If you add something, we expect you to come to the meeting to give some context and lead that discussion.



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