Hey meshers,

We will be continuing our Build Your Own Internet (BYOI) office hours* this Sunday March 25th from 1pm to late afternoon in SudoRoom.

This week's ~theme~ is Node Appreciation Day!

Nodes (yes, your node too!) are an essential parts of our mesh network, almost as important as you . . . the human that keeps your node up and running. As you probably know, People's Open Network ( https://peoplesopen.net ) nodes look very much your regular internet router, except for that they are social and open . Rather than ignoring neighboring wifi networks, our nodes (and yours!) actually chat (or mesh) with each other to collaboratively provide open internet to more folks in a larger area. 

Anyways, spring is coming, so bring your node over to the BYOI office hours to get the latest patches for faster and more reliable access, learn about how stuff works, hack, chat, socialize, wander, and perhaps even help decorate some friendly People's Open Network node with rhinestones or sweet mesh stickers .

Hope to see you there!


PS If you don't run a People's Open Network, but are curious learn more about running a node, come on over and we'll show you around. Nodes are available for a suggested $20 donation.

PS2 If you node is collecting dust and/or isn't running, please bring it over and bring it back to life!


* What are BYOI office hours?

It serves two purposes:

1. A jumping off point for people interested helping with a scheduled Sunday node mount, but who are not able to attend a Tuesday night meeting or are not "in the know."

2. A friendly, non-confrontational time for new people to get oriented to the project or just ask general questions about networking, the internet, and their service provider.

We may also use the time to hold training sessions on a topic of choice, conduct outreach to potential node locations, address finances and purchasing, or tackle any other outstanding issues.