Hey Grant/ Sierk - 

Please note that changes to peoplesopen.net go through - https://github.com/sudomesh/peoplesopen-front and then get pull to server. 

This is to make sure that we have all changes under source control. 

I've just commented-out references to map.sudomesh.org (https://github.com/sudomesh/peoplesopen-front/commit/e16298e55535b23ff7ea9b2c9d77006062658a57) and it should be pretty easy to revert when maps are back up.


On Thu, 2017-06-29 at 01:01 -0700, G Gallo wrote:
Sierk, as we had discussed, I successfully removed the 'JOIN THE NETWORK' button by commenting it out of the index.html directly on the server. This is a quick and dirty solution, but at least people won't be redirected to a dead link by a big red button in the middle of our homepage. I know a few of us had discussed removing this button or having it redirect to a different page/form instead of the map, so I guess its not the worst problem. (note: the "Map" button still redirects to map.sudomesh.org, but it could also be removed).


On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 11:05 PM, Sierk <sierk.beij@gmail.com> wrote:
Grant noticed, and mentioned via Signal, that the map on the website (https://peoplesopen.net/) is down (HTTP 502 Bad Gateway error).

Does anyone know how to fix that?

At the moment, the main link on our site (i.e., 'JOIN THE NETWORK') points to that map, we probably want that link to work, especially considering our workshop this weekend.


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