The treasurer of my ISOC chapter said it took a loooong time to get (Federal) 501c3 status for the chapter.
Overall it seems better to use the one that's already in place.

Of course I don't know what/how bad these headaches are:
"inherited bureaucratic headaches from ooc (old-omni entity)"

> I second jorrit on using the old entity, as long as it our lawyer gives us
> the OK. It seems like the easier option. And our bylaws need a rewrite
> anyway, maybe this would be a good reason to give them a once over?
> -grant
> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Jorrit Poelen <> wrote:
> > I'd be for recycling the old entity if the paperwork is not too crazy and
> > that the mission is tailored to what sudomesh does.

> > On Wed, 2017-04-19 at 13:34 -0700, Jenny Ryan wrote:
> > Should we:
> > 1) take over omni's old 501c3? -or-
> > 2) submit our own application for 501c3 status?
> >
> > *1) - take over omni's old 501c3?*
> > (a) It doesn't have a purpose at the moment, and we worked hella hard on
> > procuring it. was a long-form application, so has already been rigorously
> > reviewed by the irs.