Thanks, Jenny! :)
Here are the notes:

=== Communications & Events ===
* hilary - (passes out (one-laptop-per-child) OLPC laptops) - Open Hack 2018 at SF State University last weekend in April 27-29
** Professor Sameer Verma at SFSU - Jenny and Marc presented Sudomesh to his class on Networking 4 years ago
** OLPC usually holds an annual Community Summit, but this year we are going to piggy back off of Opendata Hackathon wiith an "open education" part. Example project -- we want to create a library for OLPCs to connect to and we need help with it. The OLPCs also mesh with each other even if there's no internet, but no one has been able to do it very successfully. There are two ways to be involved. (1) sponsor a project for someone else to work on or (2) work on a project that someone already has.
** starts on friday night - sponsors of projects will have posterboards around the room. can see what people are being asked to do. Next morning, people form teams to work on the projects. Sunday afternoon, present the solutions. not exclusively OLPC projects, but Hilary and OLPC-SF <> will be there with OLPC projects for people to work on.
** learned at a tech teacher conference that 5 million families in the US do not have internet access at home. encourage the folks at peoples open to think about and focus on bringing internet access to those families w/o internet in oakland and the bay area.
* jorrit - would like to figure out how to connect to communities that do not have internet access
** a workshop before, or a workshop after?
*** hilary: probably churches would be a good way to connect
*** jenny: lots of great orgs in that area where hilary had a church lead (Fruitvale) - native health center, sol/lol, eastside arts alliance
* hilary - even if it's not a specific action, would be good to have a consciousness in mind, so that when we have choices, we choose wisely
* jorrit - wondering about next steps/who can move in this direction w/ action

Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
Oakland CA

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 10:56 PM, Jenny Ryan <> wrote:
Hey mesh crew!

This is the SF OpenData hackathon Hilary was talking about tonight. There are exciting plans to work with the OLPC laptops to build a mesh network for students, I'll let her add those notes to this thread (cc'd)

If interested, plz reply to this thread ^_^


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-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hilary Naylor <>
Date: Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 3:29 PM
Subject: [sudo-discuss] Opendata, OpenEdu Hackathon
To: SudoRoom <>

Open Hack 2018 at SF State University

Save the date! Friday April 27th to Sunday April 29th, 2018 at San Francisco State University.

OLPC-SF is collaborating with San Francisco State University to produce Open Hack 2018, an open data and education hackathon. It's a three-day event where participants will pitch ideas, form teams, and build something together. The projects are centered around open data and education. There will be prizes for the best projects developed over the event.

Date: 5:00 PM, Fri April 27th - 5:00 PM, Sun April 29th

Location: San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA, 94132 USA


More information coming soon.

Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
Oakland CA

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