Karen is asking if we want to present the mesh at Dorkbot in January.

Anyone up for it?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: karen marcelo <karen@srl.org>
Date: Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: dorkbot jan
To: Jake <jake@spaz.org>
Cc: Marc Juul <marcjc@gmail.com>, Jenny Ryan SF <Tunabananas@gmail.com>

Hi Marc and Ryan

Thats cool!  If you guys are into it let me know - either for the 29th (depending on Jake's schedule) or after..
I need one more presentation for the 29th so let me know if you guy want to present then or Jake if you want to?

The presentations are 20-30 min - there will proabably be 100-150 people though this space is huge so there may be more.
Doors open at 7:30 and it goes till about 10:30-11:00
The dorks would totally be into hearing about this!

Thanks! -Karen

On Dec 27, 2013, at 12:45 PM, Jake wrote:

> hey karen!
> I am excited about the mesh network but i'm only a fan - the talk will have to be given by Marc or Jenny who are copied on this email.
> -jake
> On Fri, 27 Dec 2013, karen marcelo wrote:
>>      hey jake
>> nice running into you at that katabatik thing in oakland - I'd like to learn more about the things you
>> talked about - mesh networks and/or new solar thing you're working on if you'd still be up for
>> doing a presentation at dorkbot.
>> the next one is jan 29 then after that - don't know when as i may have to be in the philippines again
>> for a stretch.  i'll be at the cyclecide warehouse in sf.
>> hope your holiday was great and happy 2014 in advance!
>> -karen