Re: Arthur - awesome and thank you - your artistry-foo would be super-helpful for signmaking the day of - would you be down to help with that?

Re: Marc - there's a stack of giant paper in the basement next to the CCL robot, and tons of markers in the omni office upstairs as well as the sudo crafting area shelves (the area bordering CCL by the back table) when we cleared out the crafty corner from the basement for fire inspection. I'll ensure we have a signage prep area for Sat morn.

Re: snacks, there's a Walgreens 2 blocks away that has stuff - snacks at the liquor store are pretty expensive. I was planning on buying a bunch of pizzas as per usual from Pizza Nation down the street. Also, I just sent a message to Ryan from Food Not Bombs regarding their schedule for Saturday and it sounds like we may get a batch of falafel. Also pinged my friend Ajay who does high-end catering and often donates the leftovers to omni events and am gonna pick up a veggie shepherd's pie & a pea bean dish from him tonight (will store at home). I'll bring a water jug & paper cups are in the entrance hall behind the counter

Re: stations, Jorrit asked who will MC (welcome attendees and briefly intro the presentations). Marc, were you planning to or would you like me to? Or would it make more sense to have the first speaker (will?) do it?

Also - could speakers send slides if you have any so folks can add any feedback by tomorrow?

Re: outreach -
I just sent out an invite to the following lists: mesh, sudo-discuss, spaghettinight (berkeley coop alumni group), omni-discuss & liberationtech. Would be rad if someone could do any of the following (have limited time today):
* Tweet out from @sudomesh and @pplsopennetwork and dm @occupyoakland asking for a signal boost
* Update Facebook event asking folks to RSVP and maybe listing some specifics on the workshop stations
* Post to Indybay & any other local event listing sites you know of

Omni needs TP and i don't think i'll have time to make a costco run tmrw, so if someone could bring a few rolls that'd be really excellent

Also added a bunch of setup logistic to the pad.

We still need stickers if anyone has time to make a rush order at that we could pick up tmrw or sat morning. i'll try to do this tonight if no one scoops this task (just update this thread if u do)



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On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Arthur Tilley <> wrote:
I added myself for "Misc." 

I'd be happy to help with snacks but I don't have a car, and idk if there are any places within walking distance.  Please let me know about this.

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 11:40 PM, Marc Juul <> wrote:
If you are helping run the mesh workshop, please sign up for stations / check to make sure you're listed:

If you can, please come in on Saturday at 11 am to help set up. We'll likely find out we forgot something so besides setup we'll need people to run to home depot / grocery store.

We need large sheets of paper and huge markers to make signs for the different stations. Is that something anyone has lying around or can bring?



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