On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:36 AM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:

> - What are people's thoughts about new payment processing solutions? We've
> gotten some notices from gratipay that they've fixed their issues, but that
> we'll have to re-apply as a "team". We *could* roll our own stripe system,
> but in my experience using stripe to charge credit cards is easy, but
> properly managing recurring payments is not that easy. I personally would
> prefer to continue to allow a third-party to do that work.

Why not use Flattr?

It allows both single donations (one click on a button) and subscription
(double click on a button).


Founded by one of PirateBay people.

You could also ask FSF for source to their donation page. They really
have everything:


We should accept as many options as possible. I recently set up sudo room to accept credit card (stripe) and paypal, both recurring and non-recurring. Add gratipay and bitcoin and that covers most of our bases. Flattr would be good to have. I'm also close to done with this:


The box is cut, the software is mostly written, the hardened raspberry pi is ready to go. I'm just waiting for the knobs to arrive from china :)
