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From: Mehan Jayasuriya <mehan@mozillafoundation.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Mozilla/NSF WINS San Francisco Meet-Up
To: Mehan Jayasuriya <wirelesschallenge@mozillafoundation.org>


Thank you for registering for our Mozilla/NSF WINS wireless innovation event in Oakland earlier this year. We're now excited to announce the details for the rescheduled event. 

Mozilla/NSF WINS Bay Area Meet-Up
July 25, 6:30 - 8:30pm PT
Mozilla Community Space, 2 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94105
RSVP for the event here

At the event, you'll:
  • Hear an overview of the Challenges, timeline and application process
  • Hear advice from local community wireless networking experts on how to get started and avoid common pitfalls
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions of Mozilla staff and experts
  • Be able to network with others in your area who are interested in wireless technologies, community networks and connecting the unconnected
Light refreshments will be served at the event. If you're unable to make it in person, the opening panel will be livestreamed and archived on Air Mozilla.

RSVP now to reserve your spot at the meet-up and please share this invite widely with friends and colleagues.


- mehan