FYI, Mural? 

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From: Toan Nguyen <>
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Subject: Omni Commons mural
To: omnidelegates <>

Hey all,

The building was hit with some spray paint on the north / 48th side, and it reminded us to come together and collaborate on an awesome mural.

A couple months ago Patrik / CCL considered creating artwork on the window?

And some weeks ago Azadel from SMAC brought up an idea of painting a mural (or murals?) on the building.
Here's the latest update from Azadel sent yesterday:

>Let’s do a meeting as a next step? Maybe everyone interested can do call out within their collectives with Community Mural meeting info for as much buy-in and hands on deck as possible. I agree a push in timing urgency a bit as idea has already been lingering, also want every collective to have info to share with their members. How do y’all feel about Monday, June 3rd or Tuesday, June 4th evening like 7pm? 

Further thoughts, I’m aware Omni has some paint and primer supply that needs some going thru of what’s still usable but unsure process of claiming - are these supplies open for Omni collectives to use? I can ask at the delegates meeting this Thursday, May 30th.

Ideally we could share mural meeting info with all collectives at the delegates meeting as well, let me know what timing you’re thinking - preference between Monday June 3rd @7p or Tuesday June 4th @7p?

Is the meeting in person?
Can it be in person?

I'm interested and (currently) available on both days and will communicate to FNB.

(Looking forward to getting paint on my hands : ) 


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