Heya, Jake. The diagram is based on the perspective of the exitnodes (i.e. it is derived from their routing tables). So when you are looking at the diagram, pretend like you are a packet originating at an exitnode.

Then, the things connected to your node represent:

Does that make sense?

On Apr 7 2020, at 1:07 am, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Apr 2020, Benny Lichtner wrote: >> My node should be connecting to an extender on the roof, and then to an >> extender on livelabs roof, and then to The Internet, and then to an exit >> node? > > Yep that sounds plausible. But... > > When I hover over your node (65.146.129) it appears to be directly connected > to the orange exit node. So I think you do have a direct connection to the > internet. Is that possible? you're right of course, it's plugged into my comcast router and thus directly to the internet. what are the other things connected in the diagram to my mesh node? Is one of them the extender node? and what is that linked to?