I will very likely be there. Enjoyed last night's discussions. Hopefully there's a node at sudoroom... :)

Alcides Gutierrez

On Feb 8, 2013 11:49 AM, "mark burdett" <mark@510pen.org> wrote:
Thanks for the notes!
Will folks be there next Thursday? Valentine's Day? Bring chocolate ;)

--mark B.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks to all who came by tonight!

Cross-posted to the sudo room wiki here: http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh

Alcides, Marc, Jenny, JC, David, George, Miguel

*Ham Radio Licenses allow for broadcasting up to 2.4Ghz
**Free class to procure ham radio license in one day at Noisebridge March 17th
**Has to be amateur / not paid-for services
**Can't be encrypted (What does that mean for HTTPS?)
**Definitely an area that needs further research!
*Hook into Downtown Berkeley WiFi?
*Hackerspace Darknets (accessible to other hackerspaces)
*Bounce a signal off the moon / other satellites
*Direct connect several nodes (Andrew's place/Vagabond Ballroom; Mark B's House, Adeline House, Sudo Room, Media Alliance, node in East Oakland)
*Need for directional antennas
**Should we make antennas?
***10 mbps (RONJA)
***Not good in the rain

*Location triangulation

*Suggestion: East Bay Communications Resilience Group

*Software-defined radios
*Low-bandwidth radio receivers
*Boats in the bay could receive long-distance comms, for instance

*MonkeyBrains as backhaul for a mesh network
*Burning Man Community / San Francisco dark fiber opps

*JC - mobile ad hoc mesh network
**CB Radio backpacks for berkeley protest peacekeepers as inspiration for mobile ad hoc networks
**Starts with communication (voice, over data)

*Solar power system for mesh box and mobile phone

*Pay phones as mesh nodes for anonymous hot-spotting

*Peet's running on a mesh backbone?

*[http://openmesh.com Open Mesh] - uses batman-adv, NG firmware
*AIS - boat radio communications
*Emergency Broadcast Band - airwaves set aside
*Cognitive Radio to detect currently broadcasting signals

*[http://www.accrc.org/ Alameda Country Computer Resource Center]

*Mobile ad hoc networks
**4GB of data to sync across the nodes
**Using git to update the nodes
**People moving around feeding the network
*[http://thepyre.org/wiki/Mycelia Mycelia] - geospatial mapping via decentralized databases for inventory management, project and skill matching (talk to marc juul and jenny if you want to work on this project!)
*[http://sudoroom.org/wiki/Router_Reuse Router Reuse Program] - Proposed sudo room project :D
*DC415 - DefCon mesh in SF

==Action Items==
*Inventory / Donations of hardware
**Open call to hackerspaces for surplus routers / wifi devices
**ANTAC wifi cable modems
*Base repository of information
**See for instance The Pyre: http://thepyre.org/wiki (talk to jenny)
*Get a mesh node running at sudo room!
*Field survey trip to visit existing nodes
*Box in a Bag for activists

mesh mailing list

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