Hi all,

I've drafted an agenda for the next Sudo Mesh meeting - which will be a covid/summer hiatus reboot meeting! Juul and I will both be back from summer family visits by then. It would be great to reboot and figure out next steps for the org and the project as a whole. Perhaps we could even meet in-person, ideally outdoors..

This is mostly a template, with my throwing action items on there as they come up. Please feel welcome to add discussion and other agenda items here: https://peoplesopen.net/pad/p/notes

The meeting will be at 7:30pm via https://meet.jit.si/sudomesh2020 - please reply to this thread if you intend to come, and also feel welcome to host next week's meetup at the same time and place if you have the spoons (as it's still listed on our website as weekly recurring, and we may well be missing new folx) :)


Jenny Ryan
Sudo Mesh Steward
PGP Fingerprint: 8AA3 7DFF 2190 ADA3 7C08 05F2 E76E BE2F D25B 0F57