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From: Tracy Rosenberg <tracy@media-alliance.org>
Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 12:28 PM
Subject: [omni-comms] Oakland Internet Choice
To: <mai@peoplesopen.net>, Omni Commons <commoner@omnicommons.org>

Hi folks,

I just wanted to reach out and say that we are really trying to locate Oaklanders who have been pushed by their landlords to use a big incumbent ISP. Their stories will assist with getting an Internet choice law in place in Oakland. We will protect identities if necessary. 

Seems pretty likely Sudo Mesh and PON has connections to some people who tried to be a part of the mesh network and ran into landlord problems. 

It would really help us if we could quantify some of that before our next meeting with Oakland City government on March 6. 

EFF kindly made a blog and survey sheet for outreach purposes. Could you get the word out to your memberships?




Tracy Rosenberg
Executive Director
Media Alliance
2830 20th Street Suite 102
San Francisco, CA 94110
510-684-6853 Cell
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