Hey y'all - 

Interested to help spread the word on the upcoming BYOI workshop on 27 January 2-5pm?

Here's a couple of things you can help do:

Print and distribute posters 

Print and distribute flyers

Share blurbs like:

---- start ----
Build Your Own Internet Workshop @OmniCommons 27 Jan 2-5pm. 
Meet & mingle with others interested in building neighborhood wireless networks. 
---- end ------

Or ... talk about BYOI with folks that might be interested.

Or ... organize your very own BYOI ;)

Got questions, or want to help out in other ways, please do post on this mailing list, or come over the upcoming Tuesday meeting 7:30p at Omni Commons.


PS. For many other flyers, longer blurbs (for facebook/blog posts), posters, stickers etc, feel free to poke around and remix stuff at <https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda> . 

PS2. In case you can't make it, here's a super-short online-only nano-BYOI - <http://buildyourowninter.net> .