Hey Pete,

Thanks for reaching out on our behalf. $400/month for co-location at 100mbps is probably a little steep for us at the moment. If there was the possibility of being able to put an antenna on a roof and re-broadcast that, it would be more to our purposes. We probably just don't have the funds right now to afford even the $200/month deal. We'll probably skate by on cheaper VPS options until that becomes untenable. And hopefully by then we'll have either more cash or more options.

As for hooking Jon up with a node - yeah it sounds like a good idea. Jon, would you be interested in coming by to a hacknight (Tues and Thurs at 7:30ish pm)?

Also - it looks like map.sudomesh.org is up at the moment?


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Pete Forsyth <peteforsyth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Meshers,

I'd like to introduce Jon, a former colleague at Wikimedia (he ran the office network), my generous web host, and an all around good free culture guy.

After talking with Marc, I asked Jon about options for server colocation. This is not my realm,so I offer you his suggestion verbatim...hope this is useful.

Also, should we set him up with a node in SF? Jon has the chops to troubleshoot stuff on his own, and it would be cool to have a node on that side of the bay...perhaps a baby step toward that elusive transbay link?

Regardless, I would suggest Jon add his home to the node map -- except it seems to be offline?? http://map.sudomesh.org/

If responding, please keep in mind Jon is not on the email list, and CC as appropriate.

[[User:Peteforsyth]] on the wiki

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Jon Davis <jon@snowulf.com> wrote:
#3 - I have not. I looked up the website, interesting stuff. Need a node in SF? ;-p. My colo of choice for most things is Hurricane Electric http://www.he.net/colocation.html . Their standard rate for a full 42U cabinet (with 100meg connection and 15amp power) is $600/mo but I guess it's on sale right now. You can even bump that to 1gig connect for that same cab which I think is about $500 more or $1100 total/mo. They also offer smaller "Getting started" options like a 1/3 rack (with 100meg and 2amp) for $200/mo.  The main DC is their FMT2 facility in Fremont. It's not one of those DCs where you get palm scanners and fancy shit like that, but if you want DC space on the cheap, I can't think of any options in the area that would beat it. 
  1. Are you familiar with Sudo Mesh? It's a cool mesh networking project that's picking up speed in Oakland. (I'm running the first node!) The setup (which has been largely built by local geeks) involves every participant running through a VPN. They are looking for a new/better colo for the server that manages it all, ideally in Oakland or East Bay and with pretty easy physical access. Any suggestions?

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