Nice! Thanks for the recommendation :)

On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 1:56 AM Lars-Magnus Skog <> wrote:


I'm Magnus, a Swedish hacker, following your developments from the other side of the Atlantic :)

Couldn't help to notice the radiowitness stuff, which sounds really cool and I was wondering if you have used BorgBackup before. It's a really nice tool that could be useful for the offline backups.



On 2018-12-01 03:26, wrote:
You can see last week's minutes below or online here:

'''People's Open Network Weekly Meeting - 27 November 2018 7:30pm-9pm'''

=== Agenda ===
* Introductions and Meeting Roles (10 mins)
* Check in on previous action items (5 mins)
* Updates & Reportbacks (20 mins)
* Next Sunday (5 mins)
* Action Items (5 mins)
* Breakout Groups

=== Introductions ===
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Icebreaker Response; BRIEF Announcements
* Icebreaker question: What brings you here?
* benny - he/they, been involved since Feb, works on various things such as posters, is going to pick up his interview project again
* stephen - friend of benny's - visiting to work with cal fire - how do you have open mesh networks, phone-to-phone, especially in evacuation situations
* colin - he/him - interesting project, doesn't have a lot of bandwidth but is interested in organizing, etc.
* stephen - he/him - interested in wireless communications & embedded software
* andre - he/him - interested in distributed systems, specifically databases
* null - he/him - help build the gap between tech in major isps & what we do
* mai - she/they - involved with organzing, node mounts, byoi events. Interested in this because of digital rights, interested in solidarity economy
* amanda - she/her - excited about mesh networking on broader scale, for homeless, etc.
* lesley - been involved since ~2013 - when i was a kid i had really restricted internet access because of religious reasons - it was really controlled - i remember how big of a difference it made for me to have access to that information, and want to make this happen for others - did some research with marc on sunday and we're planning to mount some 60GHz equipment on rooftops in berkeley
* juul - he/him - the bart train (i'm omw)
* remote-jnny - she/her - visiting family on east coast and this is errybody else's bedtime, hooray! also mesh the planet.

=== Meeting Roles ===
* Facilitator/s: mai
* Stacktaker: benny
* Notetaker/s: lesley
** URL of this pad:

=== Announcements ===
* Hurricane Electric Carrier Networking Event:
* German router regulations / stamp of approval in progress:
** From section 4.2:
The router MAY allow the installation of unsigned firmware (i.e. custom firmware) IF a meaningful warning message has been
shown to the authenticated end-userand the end-user accepts the installation of the unsigned firmware.
** The CCC being critical:
* consider heading to oak city council mtg tonight - it's a doozy..
* you can donate ur spange to the 'winterizing omni' budget and we can get the furnace working again:

== Check in on previous action items ==
Check previous meeting minutes at and past action items below:
* Contact potential node in East Bay Hills (deep east) (jenny)
** gah, this wuz sitting in drafts >_< - sent
* Follow up w/ paxio (juul)
** haven't heard back yet
* Schedule a meeting to reflect on BYOI feedback?
** mai - let's just talk about it today
* null - review decision making guides
* Measure power output of our gear (server + switch for internet archive)
** done w/ juul and null (180W during boot-up, 160W during `stress --cpu 2, server was between 120 and 140`)
** time to try to schedule an install?
*** benny will check with juul if we're ready

== Purchase requests ==

* 60 Ghz gear

* Archive storage and web server for
** radiowitness is a system that listens to all police communication using a software defined radio, logs everything with a timestamp and makes it publicly available
** radiowitness was previously deployed in oakland and texas but the way it was written required a very beefy and power hungry computer to run it 24/7 + the storage got expensive
** radiowitness is currently down but the creator (an old sudo room and sudo mesh member) wants to bring it back
** I (juul) offered that we could potentially host the data (and possibly the web app as well)
** For two cities it was growing by ~500 GB per year. The idea is to add more cities.
** I propose we put the multi-harddrive-bay storage server we already have at Internet Archive and buy the following:
** 3x 4 TB internal harddrives at $125 each for an 8 TB raid 5 that we can grow to 36 TB later
** 1x 8 TB external archive harddrive at $150 for offline backup. We can run the offline backup each Tuesday evening during the meeting.

* jnny: plz use - include direct links to items

== Updates & Reportbacks ==

=== Bugs/Technical ===

Priority bugs we need help with are located at: - For a high-level overview of recent Github activity, see the Trello:

* lesley: juul got a back of 60 GHz antenna, for south of Cal campus. We were gonna use 24 GHz for the Richmond Tower link, shouldn't we just use the 60 GHz antenna since that allows a greater transfer of bandwidth? Is it a power requirement?
* juul: Was told by someone who was at DevSummit to use the equipment/bandwidth that Calyx buys wholesale for Sprint 4G, to get cheaper bandwidth -- $200/year vs. $400/year (for Calyx)
** Mobile Citizen, he mentioned -

=== Node Mounts & Outreach ===
Node Mounts Trello:
* benny: Met someone that lives next to Lesley near the Benvenue location. Will connect Lesley with them.
* lesley: Seems like a good lead since we can't put that much equipment at Jeff's place at Benvenue. Someone from BYOI thought that they might have LoS to us.
* jnny: leads i got from the mapping station include a southeast alameda landlord, CalState East Bay contact, and someone with potential LoS to Paxio from the east (past Ed's & slightly north)

=== Communications & Events ===
Comms Trello: // Events Trello:
* jnny: some notes from devsummit:
** full notes documented on the wiki:

==== BYOI Reflection Time ====

=== Internal Logistics / Finance ===
Internal Logistics & Bureaucracy Trello:
* mai: Accounting WG did not meet today, maybe we will later this month!
* jnny: been working on updating budget:

== Next Sunday ==
We host office hours every Sunday from 1-3pm in Sudo Room, and often arrange a rooftop node mount.
* null will be here inventorying! eve will come if she can!
* To sign up to bottomline, fill in your name here:
* Ongoing node mounting spreadsheet is located at:
* Notes from this past Sunday's session:
* calyx spot @ HDV?

== Action Items ==
* add everyone who signed up at the BYOI to the PON newsletter list, and let them know about the mesh mailing list (benny)
* encourage people to submit a proposal for $ and add to next's week agenda (mai)
* post re: richmond tower link on SF Chalkboard (mai)
* double check w/ juul then send e-mail to jonah to schedule server install (benny)
* add people who signed up at BYOI to email list (benny)
* talk to the people that calyx gets internet from
* implement calyx hotspot @ the housing & dignity village! - jenny / juul? mux? & village building crew
** currently waiting on word back from judge re: permanent injunction

== Breakout Groups ==
At the end of the meeting, break out into small groups to hack on or discuss specific topics.

== Last Meeting Notes ==

== End of Meeting ==
* please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents onto the sudomesh wiki with the correct date format:
* then please erase the contents of this pad
* then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
* previous meeting notes are archived here:

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