Hi Menaja,

Great to hear from you. If you’re free to come by the weekly work hang out tonight we’d love to answer your questions! We meet up in the second floor of the Mezzanine at the Omni Commons at 4799 Shattuck Ave in Oakland. 

If you can’t make it I’d be happy to answer your questions via email. 


On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:00 PM Menaja Ganesh <menaja@cca.edu> wrote:

i’m a student at cca and i’m working on an online zine about mesh networks. i love the work you do and wanted to use it as the basis for my project! i’d love it if i could get a few answers to some questions!!
i just wanted to know roughly what the motivation was to create this mesh network in oakland, and if there are any specific communities you hope to empower through making internet connection this accessible? also i’d love to know if/how working on this network has helped any of you in your own practices

thank you so much, i really appreciate the help!

mesh mailing list
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Mai Ishikawa Sutton
writer / organizer / artist
she/her/they/them pronouns