From the article and the forum browsing I've done, it seems that the Wired article is premature, in terms of where the project is at. Even for Linux it looks like it takes a bit of work to get it working -- I think they're in a pretty early, "proof of concept" kind of stage. Very exciting, but a lot of people seem to be frustrated by having no easy way to try it out.

It appears to me that because it's leveraging highly cross-platform technologies like bitcoin, there's great potential for it to be available on lots of platforms..but that's out in the future.


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Charles N. Wyble <> wrote:

On 1/13/2014 11:12 AM, Mitar wrote:

Anyone wanna try it and report back?

Ugh. No windows build. Guess I'll have to port it. Wonder how cross platform it is.

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