Since we got $1000 from them we have to send a report answering the following questions:

A final report is due within 12 months of when you sign your grant agreement letter. The final report should be emailed to should answer the following questions :

  1. How did you spend the grant funds, and what have you achieved during the last 12 months of work on your project?
  2. What have you learned about yourself and/or the world as you’ve worked on your project?
  3. A story about how the TPP Seed Grant has made a difference for you and your work?
  4. Provide at least one photo and/or video of your project in action (more is better!) so that we can share it on our website and use it to inspire others.
  5. (optional) Any advice you would give to future grantees of the Pollination Project (in terms of applying for a grant from us, implementing the project, managing the budget, reporting back).

Here is the project update that I wrote at the 6-month mark:

Anyone wanna help write this? Then join in here!

