Will you be there Mitar?
I could come and film.

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:

Hmmm. This does not sound good.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Nathan White, DemandProgress.org <info@demandprogress.org>
Subject: Vigil in San Francisco for the open Internet


The FCC's Net Neutrality proposal just leaked, and it's terrible. Four
million people spoke out against "slow lanes" and cable company
censorship, and the FCC's rules explicitly open the door for that kind
of abuse. From what we're hearing, they're finalizing the rules right
now. We can still stop this, but we have to act swiftly and show a
strong response right away.

[1]Find out about Thursday's emergency protest in San Francisco. Sign up
and spread the word!

Here's the plan: we need to send a strong message to President Obama and
the FCC right now that the Internet using public won't just roll over
and let them take our rights away. So, taking some inspiration from mass
protests in Hungary that just defeated an unfair Internet Tax there,
we'll gather after dark at the White House and government buildings
nationwide and hold up our glowing cell phones, laptops, tablets, to
shine light on the corruption unfolding in Washington, DC that threatens
our most basic freedoms.

Will you join us on Thursday in front of the Civic Center Plaza in San
Francisco, CA? If you can't make it, can you spread the word?

[2]Yes, I'll share or go to the action in San Francisco on Thursday!

The battle for the net is coming to head. Everything you can do right now
matters more than you know. Here are the details for the event, please
spread the word:

What: Vigil in San Francisco for the open Internet

When: November 6th, 6pm PST

Where: Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, CA

355 Mcallister St, San Francisco, California 94102

Bring your cell phone, flashlight, or candle!

See you there,

Demand Progress


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