thanks for the input ya'll, here is the issue I submitted for this task:

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 5:19 PM grant <> wrote:
Yo Matt and Benny,
Great to see someone interested in working on this! I worked a little on this last year, but never got past simply compiling for N750. I recall getting stuck at the point where it would not autoconfigure (i think?).

There is only one file that needs to be changed to compile the firmware for the N750. In the file openwrt_configs/arch_configs/ar71xx change line 3 to `CONFIG_TARGET_ar71xx_generic_MYNETN750=y`.

However, there are more differences that need to be accounted for in the pre-autoconf etc files and the post-autoconf etc files. Juul may remember more about the differences between the N600 and N750, but I believe the biggest difference has to do with the layout of the ports/vlans. You could also reference the legacy makenode repo to see if there are any hints. For example, this etc/config/network file looks important and it appears to be the only N750 specific file.

Maybe would be a good idea to open a github issue so we can keep this discussion closer to the relevant repository.

And Benny is correct about just replace `build_pre` with `build` in

-grant (@paidforby)

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 1:33 PM Benny Lichtner <> wrote:
Yay! So glad to hear you're tackling this!

IIRC I had a reasonably good experience building from the docker image as mentioned in the readme.

I think this bug still exists in, however:

I believe the fix is to change ./build_pre to ./build in sure why I never did that. I think I was hoping to find a command that would successfully rebuild without also rebuilding the entire toolchain.


On Sat, Nov 23, 2019, 8:55 AM Matt Senate <> wrote:
Hey folks, 

It seems like the build server contains only an image of the firmware version 3.0 for the my net n600 not the n750. I can try to compile it myself, which I might just do for the exercise anyway following the README instructions:

I'm assuming this config needs to be edited, will probably look into the openwrt build docs as well:

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