You should just research openWRT.

On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 6:04 AM, Paltasingh, S. <> wrote:
Dear Jehan,

Thank you for the valuable information :)
Is there any documentation to understand the source code implementation of Sudo MESH. Is there any documentation on how to set up the Sudo MESH? I would like to read them and implement it.

Thanks and Regards,
Sritam Paltasingh.

From: Jehan Tremback []
Sent: 25 March 2017 04:50
To: Paltasingh, S.
Subject: Re: [Mesh] Secure Joining/Commissioning in Ad Hoc WiFi MESH networks

1. There is no security or key exchange for routers joining the mesh.
2. Sudo mesh is an openWRT distribution with the Babel routing protocol.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 2:44 AM, Paltasingh, S. <> wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am working on a project named - Secure Commissioning(Joining) In Ad Hoc WiFi MESH Networks. I find Sudo MESH as a good platform to implement my project.

I read the documentation of Sudo MESH. But I have doubts. Please help me in clarifying my doubts.

My doubts are : 
1. How is the joining of new routers (nodes) to existing MESH network of routers made secure. Is there any key exchange and authentication during the joining process.
2. Understanding document for completely understanding the source code implementation of Sudo MESH. 

I want to understand the complete implementation of Sudo MESH functionality and especially from a security perspective. After that I can contribute to make the MESH network more secure. I have good coding skill sets.

When I understand the document well, I can contribute to SudoMESH for preparing good documentation of the implemented MESH network so that interested users/readers will be more benefited.

Looking forward to your help and cooperation.

Thanks and Regards,
Sritam Paltasingh.

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