Jared Null 

On Nov 4, 2018, at 12:38 PM, <> <> wrote:

Today's Topics:

1. BYOI Office Hours Today@Sudoroom 1ish - 4ish (Seth Carolina)

I'll be at the office today translating the n600s ip/netfilter tables into human-readable language so I can understand the magic inside the box, as well as learning about the policy-based routing(PBR) section.

                   Come over with questions(maybe I can answer em) or just to hang.

Hope to see you there!



* What are BYOI office hours?

It serves two purposes:

1. A jumping off point for people interested helping with a scheduled
Sunday node mount, but who are not able to attend a Tuesday night meeting
or are not "in the know."

2. A friendly time for new people to get oriented to the project or just
ask general questions about networking, the internet, and their service

We may also use the time to hold training sessions on a topic of choice,
conduct outreach to potential node locations, address finances and
purchasing, or tackle any other outstanding issues.

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